Are you interested in helping your community prepare for disasters? The Santa Barbara County Regional Climate Collaborative is looking for local agencies and organizations to apply for funding and support to develop community resilience hubs. These community-led neighborhood centers offer support before, during, and after climate-related disruptions with services like:
- Providing clean air during smoke events
- Acting as cooling locations during extreme heat
- Distributing food and serving as a hub for emergency services
- Facilitating disaster preparedness training and neighborhood organizing
- Hosting off-grid charging during power outages or shutdowns
Join CEC and the County of Santa Barbara on July 26 at 2:00 p.m. to learn more about community resilience hubs and how you can start one. Register at the link in bio.
Apply for funding by September 7, 2022. Learn more and apply at www.countyofsb.org/collaborative.
#climateresilience #climateaction #climateactionnow #communityresilience #santabarbaracounty #centralcoast